30 UPN LECTURERS SINTA POST SOCIALIZATION :: dipost pada 20 Oktober 2017

SLEMAN - Socialization of Ristekdikti Science and Technology Index (SINTA) portal held by Faculty of Industrial Engineering UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNY), Wednesday (18/10) in Seminar Room of Arie F. Lasut Building was very useful for lecturers. It was proven by the increasing number of UPN lecturers "Veteran" Yogyakarta who successfully entered to SINTA Ristekdikti portal.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Hafsah, S.Si., M.T, after the socialization said the number of lecturers who entered the portal SINTA Ristekdikti increased rapidly. From the initial number of 99 lecturers, there were 129 lecturers indexed by SINTA.

"The number of UPN lecturers who made it into the Ristekdikti SINTA portal increased. There are 30 lecturers who succeeded in getting to SINTA portal after socialization, "explained Hafsah.

With the increasing number of lecturers indexed by SINTA, it is expected that UPNVY ranking will increase the position of 121.

According to the rank of Campus established by Veterans of Freedom Fighters, it could be increased significantly if all his lecturers successfully entered in SINTA Ristekdikti portal.

In line with Hafsah, Dr. Lukman, S.T., M.T, Information Science Researcher at the LIPI Scientific Documentation and Information Center expected that the number of UPNVY lecturers  getting to SINTA increased rapidly.

"If the lecturers at UPN are increasing in number, it could be ranked 50 or even better, but it can also rank above 121, depending on how enthusiastic the lecturers getting to the Ristekdikti SINTA portal, and also being influenced by how many lecturers at other universities go to SINTA Ristekdikti portal ", he explained.

For that, according to Lukman, the lecturers need to be encouraged to enter SINTA. Furthermore, Lukman said, the research of the country is less well known at the global level due to the low global publications of researchers in Indonesia.

Portal SINTA Ristekdikti was developed as a way out to solve the problems of publication in Indonesia. Portal SINTA Ristekdikti, he said, is a measuring tool for the performance of science, which includes the performance of researchers / authors / writers, journal performance, and the performance of science and technology institutions.

"Portal SINTA Ristekdikti was developed by Kemristekdikti to encourage publicity culture in academics", Lukman explained.

Portal SINTA Ristekdikti is different from other existing systems in Indonesia, SINTA Ristekdikti portal has relation, citation, and indexing functions.

“There are a function of relation, citation and indexing in SINTA while others are just relations and citation only. Portal SINTA Ristekdikti also uses digital exit entry system and manages multisectors which have the task of synergy function which are Kemristekdikti and LIPI ", he explained. (BMW-fti)