RECOMMENDING ART TO SOCIETY AS A DEVOTION :: dipost pada 20 November 2017

YOGYA, - Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Art of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta goes directly introduce various types of art that have been studied to the community.

Chairman of the committee of Dafa Ifrianda Pratama, said this activity was done as a form of devotion of Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. By studying together in the arts, he hoped people could know the arts more and bring up the interest of talent, especially the children in the field of art and skills.

"This is the first time we want to jump into the community as a real action for art recognition as students share knowledge from dance, music, gamelan, photography, graphic design, group vocals and theater," he said, interrupted art class activities that took place in Balai Manunggal Kampung Mrican, Giwangan, Sunday (19/11/2017).

He said, the selection of locations in the village was also because previously Mrican village has been declared as a village of art so the enthusiasm of the community related to the field of art was very high.

"Here (Kampung Mrican) also has a lot of art potencies, some art groups have been formed for example karawitan and kethoprak. In addition, we look for the interest of young people to be more interested in learning graphic design and photography, while the children are very antusian with art and dance," he added.

Advisor of UKM Arts, Dr Jatmiko Setiawan added that the activity could be the beginning of good relationship in the field of art, in the future he expected both parties to give positive response to move forward the field of art.

"Hopefully, we can always be in good relationship, we are always open if people need cooperation related to art field, for example to give training or staging collaboration," he said. (* -3)