Open Education of Bela Negara, Here is The Hope of Menristekdikti :: dipost pada 08 Januari 2018

TASIKAMALAYA, - Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir inaugurated the opening of the State Defense Education (PBN) of the 32nd  Batch at Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, West Java, on Monday. Nasir in his speech asked the cadres of PBN of the 32nd  Batch University of Siliwangi Academic Year of 2017/2018 to maintain the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the midst of a splash of information that cannot be dammed.

"The development of information technology  cannot be dammed again. We must be wary of the development of information technology and make the best use for the welfare of the Indonesian nation," said Nasir.

Menristekdikti reminded that there are four pillars that need to be maintained by the students, especially the PBN cadres, to maintain national insight.

"First State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila as the state ideology, the constitution 45 as the basis of the state, and the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika," Nasir said on Monday (08/01/2018).

He reminded the students to sort out the various information obtained and to be not deceived by the news lie or hoaks.

"We cannot dam the information that goes in. Students are important to be able to sort out the good information and not good. Even with the development of technology, hoaks emerged. With information that can distort the Indonesian nation, we as a student, we should improve our country defend," said Nasir .

The Minister of Research and Technology asked all students not to be divisive and always disagree on each other, but to be a change encouragement. "Be a driver of change, be a 'problem solver', not a coward of the state, not a rallying country, push the change," said Nasir.