UPN Veteran Held a State Defense Seminar :: dipost pada 12 Maret 2018

Yogya ( - National Seminar entitled " Mewujudkan Sikap Bela Negara dan Menjaga Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dalam Rangka Menjaga Keutuhan NKRI (Realizing State Defense Attitude and Maintaining Pancasila Values to Keep the Unity of NKRI)" was held at the state defense campus, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Saturday (10/03/2018). The Indonesian diversity and its potency which becomes a commodity issue of disintegration for the 2019 general election becomes an interesting topic in this seminar.

Presented as a speaker was Agus Surata (chairman of GHARBA), Imron R. Rawie. M. Hum (Caregiver Ponpes Miftahul Umum Yogyakarta), KH. Ahmad Muzammil (Chairman of the Movement of NKRI)), and Lobo (Lecturer of Pancasila UPN). This event was attended to invite youths to care about NKRI to combat the rampant cases of radicalism and intolerance in Yogyakarta lately.

Imron said, one of the things that can be done is to know and strengthen the self identity  fornot being  easily waved. "Now there is the popularity of identity politics. That is not wrong but the quality of democracy is low. Identity does needs recognition. We are faced with two wars, wars between nationalities and religious groups. This will be seen later in 2019, "he said at the Seminar Room of Faculty of Teaching UPN.

Furthermore, Ahmad Muzammil emphasized the importance of defending the state in the face of the challenge of radicalization and the materialization of religion, for example the issue of the movement to defend religion. "Radicalization of religion is the root of the materialization of religion. Understanding of religion only from the material, for example the narrow  understanding of jihad defends. What we must defend is one of them is defending the country, because it means to love both the nature and creation as well, "he explained. (Lucia Yuriko)
