Developing the Online Learning Process, UPNVY Comparative Study to UNY :: dipost pada 26 Maret 2018

SLEMAN - Communication and information technology (FTI) unceasingly continuesouly   experience rapid development, including in the field of education and learning. As one of the faculty which wishes to be a pioneer of the online lecturing of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (UPT) UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY), Thursday (15/3) conducted a comparative study to the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT-UNY).

According to the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation (KPKS) FTI UPNVY Ir. Mahreni, M.T., Ph.D., the implementation of this comparative study was intended to obtain technical information and online learning implementation process.

"FTI wants to initiate the implementation of online learning process in UPN. This online learning can be done more easily, effectively and efficiently ", he explained.

Online learning is built so that the learning can be done remotely. Unlike the conventional learning, the online learning can be done anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. It can be said that the online learning is a learning that is not limited by the space and time.

"In the future,  we hope that the implementation of the learning can be implemented online, so that the learning process can be followed by the  Indonesian students without having face to face meeting with the lecturer directly," he hoped.

Related to the infrastructure needed in the implementation of the online learning, according to the Lecturer of Chemical Engineering Department, the standard server and teleconference room should be available properly. While from the curriculum side, UPNVY must prepare courses designed for the online lectures in the form of varied multi-media, so it can be easily understood by the students who follow the lectures online. (BMW-fti)