Rector UPNVY Leads the Graduation :: dipost pada 21 April 2018

SLEMAN - UPN Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY) Rector will lead the Graduation Ceremony of Diploma Program, Bachelor and Master of the 3rd  Academic Year 2017/2018 at WR Auditorium. Supratman, UPNVY Condong Catur Campus, Saturday (21/04/2018). A total of 489 people graduated from graduate and master programs. At the graduation this time, there are no participants from the Diploma Program.

On this graduation, as many as 133 people successfully graduated with cum laude predicate. At the graduation ceremony, UPNVY graduated 41 people from the Master Program and Bachelor program 448 people.

Undergraduate program, 132 graduates succeeded in having the cum laude predicate with highest Achievement Index (GPA) achieved by Muh Nur Khoiruddin, from Accounting Study Program and Vita Maulidina Pratiwi, from Communication Program with perfect GPA of 3.97.

Meanwhile, in the Master Program, 4 graduates managed to get the cum laude predicate, the highest GPA of 3.90 was achieved by Leonardo Damanik who is a graduate of the Geology Engineering Program, Faculty of Mineral Technology.

Here's a list of the highest GPA of each Study Program:

  1. Viki Fintaru, Geology Engineering
  2. Arif Shuyoko Adi, Mining Engineering
  3. Iryan Setiawan, Petroleum Engineering
  4. Aniq Anifa, Environment Engineering
  5. Vebrina Loura Wirawan, Geophysics Engineering
  6. Ainun Farah Baiqfirlana, Chemistry Engineering
  7. Elia Putu Sapra,  Industrial Engineering
  8. Yofyta Deri, T. Informatics
  9. Akbar Gangsar Gumelar, Arotechnology
  10. Casandra Simangunsong, Agribusiness
  11. Hesti Dwi Cahyaningrum, Management
  12. Muh Nur Khoiruddin, Accounting
  13. Wahyu Panji Wisnu Wibowo, Development Economics
  14. Maria Fernanda Olifera Seran, International Relations
  15. Duma Cristin Pangaribuan, Business Administration
  16. Vita Maulidina Pratiwi, Science Communication

(wwj / humas)