SLEMAN - Environmental issues are becoming an important issue in the world. Environmental issues which makes coal an alternative energy for large and small scale industries are less successful. On that basis, since 2010 the Center for Research and Development of Mineral and Coal Technology (Puslitbang TekMIRA), Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) ESDM have developed a clean coal technology through gasification called gasifier.
"We focus on the research of coal utilization technology in the sector of SMEs, so that the dependence on fossil energy can be reduced," said Yeni Sofaeti, a researcher from TekMIra, during a discussion with UPN Veteran (UPNVY), Friday (27/04/2018 ).
Yeni further said this research was based on the demand of small industries that wanted to have a clean energy, convenient, and economical alternative. Then, the design of mini coal-fired gasifier is called GasMin.
"We want Gasmin to be a joint research between TekMira and UPN. In addition, it also became a practice and also the task of students, "said F.X. Sutijastoto, the Head of Research and Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources when delivering the purpose of her arrival at UPNVY.
Sutijastoto said it has been currently targeting the additional potential of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the cooperation with several energy companies. This cooperation includes surveys of oil and gas, mineral and coal (minerba), electricity and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE). Besides cooperating with industry, it also aims to cooperate with local government and universities.
"UPN is a strategic partner because it has the same resources and vision in the field of energy technology," he said.
On the same occasion, Rector of UPNVY, Prof. Sari Bahagiarti welcomed the cooperation plan. Sari said it would assist TekMira in product development through research, market research mapping, and commercialization.
"UPN is ready to support the resources, and we are also committed to establish a new program of new energy," said Sari.
Sari also expressed her appreciation and hope that the cooperation plan can support the national energy security and benefit the people's welfare. (wwj / humas)