12 Proposals for UPNVY Students Passed PKM Ristekdikti :: dipost pada 28 Maret 2019

SLEMAN – The students’ twelve proposals of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY) successfully passed the Student Creativity Program (PKM) funding for the 2019 budget year from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti).

From the results of an evaluation carried out by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research and Technology, the twelve proposals were entitled to receive funding of IDR 84,975,000.

"There has been an increase this year compared to last year. I hope that the success of the students will be a motivation to continue working and achieving, getting the opportunity through the program initiated by Kemenristekdikti", said the Deputy Chancellor for Student and Cooperation Affairs, Dr. Singgih Saptono.

Singgih said that his party was grateful that UPNVY was declared to have been funded out of the thousands of proposals that existed throughout Indonesia. It is one of the motivations for his side to continue to strive and conduct more intensive coaching so that they can pass the PIMNAS.

The twelve proposals that passed were research in the fields of technology and engineering as well as the social and humanities fields, namely:

  1. Rekayasa Mesin “Gonjang-Ganjing” Penggoyang Wijen Pada Home Industry Onde-Onde Di Gaduhan Bantul, by Muhammad Irvan Dwi Putra (Industrial Engineering)
  2. Geobuild : Aplikasi Proyeksi Konstruksi Bangunan Dengan Parameter Kebencanaan Geologi, by Syaiful Adala (Informatics Engineering)
  3. Jatik Man (Jaket Batik Aman Dan Nyaman), by Garin Priambodo (Development Economy)
  4. " Hi-Sunny" (Hijab Syar'i Wudhu Friendly Dengan Konsep Kekinian Dan Praktis), by Retno Hastuti (Social Humanities)
  5. Sekolah Rakyat Serdadu Kumbang Sebagai Wadah Pengembangan Karakter Milenials Di Lingkungan Lokalisasi Pasar Kembang, by Aan Munandar (Geophysical Engineering)
  6. Upaya Menghadapi Resiko Tsunami Melalui Geomapping And Public Counseling Di Desa Parangtritis, by Sacha Putra Engko (Geological Engineering)
  7. Analisis Perkuatan Lereng Tanah Dengan Gabion System Sebagai Usaha Preventif Terhadap Longsor, by Bagoes Rachmad Raka Swastiko (Mining Engineering)
  8. Analisa Kerentanan Dinding Bendungan Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri Menggunakan Metode Mikroseismik, by Rio Adi Pangestu (Geophysical Engineering)
  9. Analisis Penambahan Polietilen Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Biobriket Ketapang, by Rully Fachrurozi (Environmental Engineering)
  10. Potensi Keberadaan Endapan Emas Menggunakan Metode Geomagnetik Dan Induced Polarization, by Ulyl Aidi Al-Abshor (Geophysical Engineering)
  11. Identifikasi Zona Rawan Longsor Pada Daerah Rawan Bencana Menggunakan Metode Hagiwara Seismik Refraksi, by Virgiawan Arya Hangga Reksa (Geophysical Engineering)
  12. Youthjiwan Penggerak Wisata Budaya Berbasis Ekonomi Kreatif Di Desa Kebondalem Kidul, Prambanan, by Pradana Ricardo (International Relations Science)

(wwj / humas)