Sleman – The Institute for Development of Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY) held a workshop on the preparation of new study program accreditation instruments using IAPS 4.0 on Thursday, 6/21/2019. This activity was held in the Economic Seminar room, 08.00-15.00 WIB, presenting the speakers of the Executive Board of BAN -PT, Sugiyono, Ph. D, and Dr. Puji Lestari, SIP, M.Sc (Assessor of BAN PT from UPN VY) who guided the training of filling out the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS). The purpose of implementing this activity was to prepare UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta for having the study program accreditation.
The Chancellor of UPNVY, Dr. Irhas Effendi, said that UPNVY currently has an institution accreditation predicate of B which will end in 2020. This activity was held to have the institutional accreditation next year with an A (superior) accreditation predicate target.
"Currently, UPNVY has 32 study programs, 17 Departments, and 5 faculties. Nine study programs have the accreditation predicate of A and B, and there are several new study programs. We are pushing it so that all new study programs will have at least B accreditation predicate next year to make the preparation of the institutional accreditation easier”, the Chancellor added.
The Chairperson of LP3M, Dr. Meilan Sugiarto, who is also an Assessor of BAN PT, said "by having this activity, I hope that the UPN" Veteran "steakholders in Yogyakarta can understand the changes in the instruments and self-evaluation, from the old standard to the new standard adjusting the BAN PT policy.
According to Pak Giek, his familiar call of the BAN PT Executive Board member, the old accreditation which used 7 standards assessed many inputs and processes (80?), while the new accreditation instruments have 9 criteria, 55? assess the output and outcome. The standard used is based on SN Dikti. The accreditation is superior if the performance exceeds the SN Dikti. If one component from SN Dikti is not fulfilled, it is declared not accredited. The institutional accreditation requirements are superior if a minimum of 25% accreditation of study program is A or superior and no study program is worth C.
The Executive Board of BAN – PT, Sugiono, Ph. D, as the main speaker also said that in accreditation of institutions and accreditation of Higher Education, the leaders of the study programs must submit the re-accreditation applications no later than 6 months before the validity period of the accreditation status.
"If the application for the accreditation is less than 6 months, the risk is borne by the institution", added the Executive Board of BAN-PT. He also said that the key to the success of accreditation lies in good leadership. The leaders must have an institutional development plan, a qualified culture commitment (good internal quality assurance system), a competent research institution, a continuous tracer studies every year, and all stake holders actively are involved in advancing the institution.
The workshop of filling out the LKPS 4.0 Study Program Performance Report which was guided by Dr. Puji Lestari, SIP, M.Si, the resource person of the BAN PT assessor, produced a number of commitments from the participants from the internal UPNVY which is that the Faculties, Departments, and study programs must make work plans that refer to the IAPS 4.0 accreditation instruments. It is meant that when applying for the accreditation, all data will be reported as fully available. Therefore, the self-evaluation can be done to improve the quality that exceeds the National Standards of Higher Education (SN Dikti) as the accreditation indicator. All the workshop participants' commitments should be supported by the university leadership so that the ranking of the institutional accreditation also increases.