Sleman_The Rector of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Dr. Irhas Effendi, MS installed seven Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) to be Civil Servants (PNS). The 7 Civil Servants inaugurated are Simon Pulung Nugroho, S.Kom. M.Cs, Aditya Kurniawan, ST, MT, Renung Reningtyas, ST, M.Eng, Muhammad Faizal Zakaria, ST, MT, I Putu Gema Bujangga Waisnawa, ST, M.Eng, Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto, ST, MT, and Riria Zendy Mirahati, ST, MT. The inauguration of the seven civil servants was held by the staffing department on the fifth floor of the rectorate, Monday 7/10/2019.
The Rector of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Dr. Irhas Effendi, MS, in his speech congratulated the PNS who had just been inaugurated. Hopefully, the newly appointed civil servants can work together and work harder, even harder, so that they can encourage the progress of the nation”, he said.
The Rector added that out of the seven civil servants, there were three civil servants join the formation of lecturers in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and 4 civil servants filled in the formation of lecturers in the Faculty of Mineral Technology.
"The competition to be a civil servant is more competitive compared to the previous year. Therefore, I hope that you will be able to give contributions to the government and carry out your obligations as the servants of the state. Twenty years from now, UPN "Veterans" of Yogyakarta will be in your hands. Hopefully UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta will be more advanced, glorious, great, and able to compete in the national and international world and remain a campus that has the characteristics of Defending the Country", he added.
The Deputy Chancellors, Bureau Heads, Deans and Department Heads presented as the witnesses of the oaths taking of the seven civil servants, namely.
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