National Emergence Day Commemoration Meeting in Yogyakarta :: dipost pada 17 Mei 2017

On May 16th, 2017 taking place on the 3rd floor of Unit VIII Building of Kepatihan Complex, in Danurejan Yogyakarta, the Committee of National Emergence Day Commemoration of Yogyakarta Special Province  2017 held the second plenary meeting to confirm the preparation of each section. Humas (Public Relations) of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta was again invited for the occasion after previously invited for the same meeting.

At the meeting, the verification of each section position in the ceremony and the proposed agenda to pay pilgrimage visit (ziarah) were discussed. 

The National Awakening Day, May 20th, 2017, coincides Saturday (a holiday) so the ceremony was actually held on Monday, May 22nd, 2017, taking place in the Mandala Krida Square, beginning at 08.00 West-Indonesian Time.

The chairmanship of the Ceremony was scheduled to be held by the Governor of the Special Province of Yogyakarta. However, the date of the ceremony coincided the date of the inauguration of Regent of Kulon Progo Regency and Mayor of Yogyakarta elect, the ceremony was then commanded by the deputy commandant, the Commandant of Air Force Base of Yogyakarta.  The participants of the ceremony were comprised of Indonesian military personnel and non-military personnel, including the representatives from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, to participate in the ceremony.