16 Universities in DIY Committed to Develop Healthy Campuses :: dipost pada 23 Desember 2019

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, SLEMAN - A total of 16 universities in DIY carry out a joint commitment to develop a Health Promotion University (HPU) or a healthy campus.

The 16 universities are UGM, Poltekkes Kemenkes, UNY, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, UII, UKDW, UMY, UAD, UAJY, USD, Unisa, UTY, STIE YKPN, AMIKOM, AKPRIND and Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University.

UGM Health Promotion Team (HPU), Supriyati, said that 16 PTs were committed to organize a Healthy Campus to realize a healthy environment and protection of living towards for a healthy and prosperous campus through the University of Health Promotion.

The universities commit to hold a Healthy Campus in four steps.

"First, provide health at the campus to improve optimal health and well-being," she said in a written statement, Friday (12/20/2019).

Second, improve health literacy and implement a healthy campus program.

Third, healthy campus activities prioritize and promote preventive efforts in order to support and improve the health of the academic community in accordance to the characteristics, abilities, convenience, and priorities of tertiary institutions.

Finally, Healthy Campus activities will be carried out in advocacy strategies, partnerships and community empowerment.

"UGM itself has declared a healthy campus in July 2019", she said. (TRIBUNJOGJA.COM)


This article was published on under the title 16 Perguruan Tinggi DIY Berkomitmen Kembangkan Kampus Sehat,
Author: Noristera Pawestri

Editor: Ari Nugroho