UPNVY Collaborates with Poli Sains Indonesia Foundation Researching Large-Power Batteries :: dipost pada 13 Agustus 2020

SLEMAN - Batteries play an important role as the source of electricity for smartphones to electric vehicles. The general public knows the type of lithium ion battery because this type is the most widely used.

One of the components in this battery is Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) or graphene which can be made from graphite minerals.

"Graphene is one of the allotropes of carbon which recently has become the focus of research. The shape is a sheet of carbon atoms arranged to resemble a honeycomb", said Joko Soesilo, Lecturer at the Department of Geology, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPNVY in his written release, Wednesday (12/8).

The form of graphene has unique properties, such as the tensile strength of graphene around 130 GPA or 100-300 times stronger than steel. In addition, the electronic properties of graphene can match the properties of silicon which is currently used in various electronic devices.

"The development of the electronic world has been very rapid for the last twenty years, accompanied by the very rapid advancement of communication equipment technology," said Joko.

The former Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation at the Faculty of Mineral Technology added that along with the advancement of the software industry, more adequate battery and capacitor capabilities are needed.

For this reason, the Centre for Mineral and Energy Studies at UPNVY conducted an exploration of cooperation with Poli Sains Indonesia Foundation to research the use of graphite and graphene last Thursday (6/8). Attending it, there were Anton Riyanto and Husni Thamrin from Poli Sains Indonesia Foundation, as well as Dr. Adi Ilcham, Dr. Joko Soesilo IPM, and staff from PSME UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. On this occasion, a set (6 book series) of Graphene Science Handbook from Poli Sains Indonesia Foundation was handed over to PSME which was accepted by the Chairman.

The cooperation that will be built is expected to be able to provide space for researchers of both parties in the field of graphite and graphene for their exploration-exploitation-extraction and their use in the industrial world.