Invite Ambassador, UPNVY International Relations Held a National Webinar :: dipost pada 16 Oktober 2020

RADAR JOGJA - The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in several sectors experiencing a major impact and even deteriorating. One of them is in the tourism sector. For that reason, it needs a strategy and also an effort to generate this downturn. It includes learning from the experiences of other countries.

Therefore, the International Organization Study (KOIN), Laboratory of International Organization, Department of International Relations (HI), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNVY) held a national webinar with the theme of "Lesson Learned and Strategies of ASEAN Countries in Restoring the Tourism Industry Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Global Response" online, Thursday (15/10).

 This activity is expected to be a scientific forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the actual conditions and the challenges as well as the opportunities that exist in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is one of the academics efforts to explore opportunities for improvement in the national tourism sector through lessons taken from the context of ASEAN countries or other countries around them.

In his speech, the Chancellor of UPNVY, Dr. Mohamad Irhas Effendi, M.Si., said that Indonesia is very diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, culture and religion. This pandemic has an impact on various aspects of life such as health, economy and social.

"It has had an impact and has changed the patterns of interaction, economic activity and communication. Not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries,” said Irhas Effendi.

He said, the major influence of the Covid-19 pandemic is disruption of economic growth, both micro and macro. This is closely related to the tourism industry sector.

"This is because this sector is strongly influenced by the openness of transportation space between regions, islands, and countries. This pandemic has disrupted tourism activities. In fact, tourism has become a mainstay sector to boost the economy, "said Irhas Effendi.

For this reason, Irhas Effendi said there is a need for a strategy to turn this threat into an opportunity. Namely, to produce innovative products in various fields without eliminating their existence as a nation through national values, diversity, and state defence.

"Innovation is important in facing challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, Indonesia is quite large in the market side, while relative innovation needs to be encouraged. So, many innovations that are actually dominated by other countries are getting in to Indonesia, "continued Irhas Effendi.

The Covid-19 pandemic can actually be an opportunity for Indonesia, namely to develop domestic innovations to take advantage of this large market share niche.

"One of the important strategies is cultural diplomacy. That is opening up opportunities to advance various fields, including tourism development and creative economy, "continued Irhas Effendi.

It is stated that globalization can show a high, advanced and prosperous quality of human life.

"However, the love to the country which is marked by a sense of national defence is also an important thing," said Irhas Effendi.

The Indonesian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (2008-2011) and the Indonesian Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2016-July 2020), H. E. Mr. Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi, said the Covid-19 pandemic had shrunk and collapsed in all sectors.

"This crisis condition is getting worse because it looks very special. Namely, the enemy is not clear. Apart from that, the arrival of this crisis was sudden and of course unwanted, so the conditions were very difficult, "said Wahid Supriyadi.

Not only Indonesia, even the Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many victims throughout the world.

"Russia which was so confident in the beginning that it sent aid to foreign countries, such as Italy, was also affected. Evenmore, now it is ranked 4th in the world with cases of up to 1.35 million more," said Wahid Supriyadi.

He said, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in an extraordinary economic contraction.

"In fact, the World Bank predicts the world economy in 2020 will contract by 5.2 percent. Maybe it could be more if you see that there are no signs of an end so far, "said Wahid Supriyadi.

For this reason, it is necessary to have a strategy and development so that Indonesian tourism will rise.

"One of them is by optimizing technology, namely online promotion," said Wahid Supriyadi.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ambassador to Bulgaria (2016-July 2020), H. E. Mrs. Sri Astari Rasjid, said that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is the time and opportunity to prepare quality tourist areas throughout Indonesia in accordance with the new normal provisions, namely, prioritizing safety, cleanliness and health factors.

In addition, it also improves ease regulations on doing business, investing in Indonesia, especially in the tourism sector.

"While waiting for foreign tourists, Indonesia can also encourage domestic tourists to take the time to travel to new destinations in Indonesia," said Astari Rasjid.

Meanwhile, the local governments can develop cultural object businesses by including superior products in their regions, for example in agriculture.

In addition, this is also a moment for MSME handicraft products to be improved in quality so that they are not inferior to products from other countries.

"Maybe Kemenparekraf and UMKM can synergize each other, such as by holding international competitions so that people can keep working during lockdown," suggested Astari Rasjid.

He said, Indonesian products need to be improved and refined again if they want to develop the potential of MSMEs, namely, to prepare for or face global tourism after the new normal later.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Ambassador to the Vatican Holy See (2007-2007-2011) and the Indonesian Ambassador to South Africa (2014-2017), H. E. Mr. Suprapto Martosetomo, said that there are three things that must be prepared in developing tourism, namely, comfortable, safe, and charming.

"There needs to be community participation in making this happen. People must discipline themselves to comply with health protocols,” said Suprapto Martosetomo.

He believes that the tourism development in Indonesia will develop rapidly by having  the existing infrastructure.

"It must be prepared to compete with other countries." There will be an opening during the Covid-19 pandemic to continue to innovate in the country with the help of current promotions through social media and digital technology," said Suprapto Martosetomo.

The Head of the International Organization of HI Fisip Laboratory UPNVY, Desy Nur Aini Fajri, SIP., MA, explained that there are several things that can build innovation and synergy in the tourism industry in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"It needs human resource development, connectivity, local community participation, and challenges to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage. This is to realize the sustainable tourism, especially ASEAN tourism," explained Desy Nur Aini Fajri.

Desy Nur Aini Fajri revealed, when it is viewed from the tourism vision, ASEAN will become a quality destination which offers a uniqueness and diversity of experiences.

"Which certainly contributes to the social and economic welfare of the community," said Desy Nur Aini Fajri.

To make this happen, of course there are challenges that must be overcome. Namely, intensive marketing or promotion and upgrading of local and public private participation in the tourism value chain.

"During the Covid-19 pandemic, a good promotion is needed. Through digital, of course. Having the quality content and covering the entire market, the tourists or consumers are interested, "said Desy Nur Aini Fajri.

The webinar also presented speakers of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok's Ad Interim Chargé d'Affaires, Drs Dicky Komar MIS, Dean School of Business President University Maria Jacinta Arquisola MHRM PhD, and Tourism Lecturer in International Relations at DIHI UGM Drs Usmar Salam MIntStu. (sce / cr1 / pra / ila)