Sleman - 76 Alumni Association (IA-76) of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Faculty of Mineral Technology (FTM) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNVY) and the Student Executive Board (BEM) FTM UPNVY held a webinar of Operational Excellence Toward a World Class Company. The webinar was held online through Zoom and the Youtube livestream of the Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPNVY on 19 November 2020. This webinar also presented speakers from Dr. Mohamad Irhas Effendi, M.S (Rector of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta), Ir. Riki Firmandha Ibrahim, M.Sc (President Director of PT. Geo Dipa Energi), Ir. Agus Amperianto, M.H (GM Pertamina Hulu Mahakam), Ir. Suhernomo, M.S (KTT PT. Adaro Indonesia), and Doddy Pranoto (OE Practitioner and Consultant). OE is an urgent need for industries and institutions this time that wish to develop in line with the demands of the industrial era.
Dr. Mohamad Irhas Effendi as the Chancellor of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta stated that he welcomed the holding of this webinar by delivering material on operational excellence practices at the UPNVY campus. He said there would be no successful strategy without good operational excellence. It is reinforced by his statement that more than 90% of companies have good strategies but fail to achieve good performance because the support from below (staff) is not aligned.
"For students, gaining knowledge is not only in class lectures, but also in seminars like today. By participating in this seminar, you (students) have taken a step further in understanding operational excellence, especially the material delivered by UPNVY alumni who are experienced in their fields," added the Rector of UPNVY.
Doddy Pranoto as the Chairman of 76 Alumni Association (IA-76) delivered material on the introduction of Operational Excellence. He explained that operational excellence is a systematic approach to manage five focus areas of personal safety, namely health, reliability, process safety, environmental stewardship, and efficiency. The five focus areas are then packed into a focus excellence management system to achieve an incident and injury-free workplace. One of the five focus areas, namely process safety is needed in companies because although accidents or incidents do not have to occur in the field, it can happen in the office. Therefore, a safety moment is needed. A safety moment is a culture of a company that is included in the world class company category where it always starts with a safety moment in every meeting or meeting activity.
On the same occasion, Ir. Riki Firmandha Ibrahim, M.Sc as an alumnus also delivered material on Operational Excellence Leadership Accountability. He conveyed that Operational Excellence is expected not only as part of maintaining security at work as mentioned by Doddy Pranoto, but also expected to build risk mitigation in work. In order to achieve Operational Excellence Leadership Accountability, effective leadership (leadership) is needed in a company management system where leadership itself is defined as how leaders can create new leaders in the company. However, challenges are encountered in the process towards creating superior HR (Human Resources), such as the absence of perceptions of competition and the absence of harmonization of laws and regulations. PR