Faculty of Economics :: dipost pada 29 September 2014


Since 1959 the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNVY) has exhibited a real sense of commitment to equitable dissemination and enhanced quality of education in Indonesia.

After such a long history, in support of the vision and missions of UPNVY, the Faculty of Economics is now committed not only to enhancing the quality of the learning and teaching process but also to developing research and community service conducted by both the academic staff and students. It is therefore essential to maintain a reputation for highly qualified lecturers and highly motivated students with the spirit of Widya Mwat Yasa, with a sense of responsibility based on discipline, fighting spirit, as well as creativity and love for our homeland and nation. The e-learning strategy and access to indexed and reputable international scientific journals are developed to bolster up the students’ learning process, research, and community service.

All members of the academic community in the Faculty of Economics have a strong conviction and glowing enthusiasm to create an academically and culturally superior educational institution, which will be the pride of the University locally, nationally, and internationally.

I call on every one of us to work harder for the sake of the future of the Indonesian nation.

Dr. Muafi, MSi     Dean


The Faculty of Economics in embryo was the establishment of a new department in conformity with a Decree of the Minister of Veteran Affairs Number 15/Kpts/1959 dates 26 October 1959, under which the APN “Veteran” (an academy) set up another department named the Department of Business Administration, which commenced its first classes on 26 November 1959.

As of 30 July 1965 in conformity with a Decree of the Minister of Veteran Affairs and Demobilization and the Minister of Higher Education and Sciences Number 140/Kpts/1965, the status of APN “Veteran” Yogyakarta as PTK (an Institute of Higher Education for Government Service) was upgraded to PT PN “Veteran” (an institute of higher education for national development) and the Department of Business Administration became the Faculty of Economics Department of Business Management.

Then on 30 November 1977 in conformity with a Decree of the Minister of Defence and Security No. Skep/1555/XI/1977, PT PN “Veteran” Yogyakarta changed to UPN (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional) “Veteran” Yogyakarta.

The Faculty of Economics at that time only had one department, i.e. the Department of Business Management. On 27 February 1993 in conformity with a Decree of the Ministry of Defence and Security No:   Kep/01/II/1993, the Faculty of Economics opened two new departments, i.e. the Department of Accounting and the Department of Development Economics. The academic activities of the two departments started on 6 September 1993 and this date was recognized as the “second anniversary” of the departments.

In conformity with a joint decree of the Minister of Education and Culture and the Minister of Defence and Security No. 0307/0/1994 Kep/10/XI/1994 dated 29 November 1994, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta (along with all its faculties and departments) changed its status from PTK Kedinasan (Government Service Institute of Higher Education) to PTS (Private Institute of Higher Education), which took effect from 1 April 1995.

In the course of their development, in accordance with the Decisions of the National Accreditation Board, the Management, Accounting, and Development Economics Study Programs have been granted an accredited status, i.e. Grade A, Grade B, and Grade B for each of the above study programs respectively.


To build a Faculty of Economics that is superior and independent in producing professional and nationalistically oriented graduates.


  1. To carry out higher education imbued with the spirit of Pancasila (the five-point State Ideology) and the 1945 Constitution.
  2. To educate students to become pioneers of development with academic and/or professional competencies dedicated to people’s welfare.
  3. To conduct world-class university management.


  1. To provide high quality higher education and to develop research and community development.
  2. To produce economics graduates imbued with the spirit of Pancasila and who possess the highest integrity.
  3. To produce economics graduates who are competent and skilled in the application of economic analysis.
  4. To produce graduates with the ability to analyze issues in accordance with economic principles so as to enable them to solve a variety of problems in society.
  5. To develop collaboration and partnership in order to realize the concept link and match between education and industry.


As many 98 members of the faculty teach in three study programs. They consist of staff with the following qualifications: a master’s degree (100%), a doctors’ degree (15%), and two members holding a professorship, members undertaking doctoral programs (15%), and ten members in the process of completing the requirements for a doctor’s degree. Most of the teaching staff in the Faculty of Economics have fairly good positions in terms of functional ranks (lecturer/senior lecturer or over on average and they move up to higher ranks from year to year).


Many of the alumni of the Faculty of Economics, UPNVY, have served in various institutions and workplaces such as PT Pertamina (state-owned oil company of Indonesia), national private banks, foreign banks, commercial enterprises (foreign investment and domestic investment), state-owned corporations, regional development banks, government agencies and other renowned agencies. A number of alumni have also succeeded in advancing their careers as business people on both national and international scales.


The Faculty of Economics, UPNVY adopts the credit system. The Semester Credit System is the Semester Credit Hours to express the study load of a student, the workload of a faculty member, the learning experience and the load of the program organization.


The Faculty of Economics uses a curriculum with the following study loads:

Management                          : 145 credit units

Accounting                              : 146 credit units

Development Economics        : 145 credit units

Students can normally complete the study loads within eight semesters or four years. The structure of the curricula in the Study Programs in Management, Accounting, and Development Economics is as follows:

  1. Courses in MPK (Personality Development)
  2. Courses in MKK (Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Skills)
  3. Courses in MKB (Productive Expertise)
  4. Courses in MPB (Productive Behaviour)
  5. Courses in MBB (Collectivist/Communalist Mode of Living)


Educational activities in one academic year are divided into those conducted in the             odd-numbered semesters and the even-numbered semesters. The actual implementation of education refers to the academic calendar set by the Rector.


1. Scholarship Program

            Financial aid is awarded to students with high academic standing and dedication to the alma mater. Among the institutions/organizations that have awarded scholarships are: UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Supersemar Foundation, KPP-KPs Pertamina, PT Djarum (Ltd), PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Freeport Indonesia, Adji Dharma Foundation, Dharma Maju Kerja Foundation, Dharma Wanita of the Ministry of Defense, Dharma Wangsa Foundation, SPE, PPA Kopertis (Coordination of Private Tertiary Institutions) Region V DIY, PT Askes (Health Insurance) BPD (Regional Development Bank) DIY, Alumni, BUU UPN, BRI (bank).

2. Faculty and Department Libraries

The libraries are provided for the teaching staff to upgrade their competence and expertise, and also for students to encourage the habit of independent learning.

3. Laboratories, BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange), Pojok Bursa (Stock Exchange  Corner)

In efforts to have a deeper understanding of lecture materials and theories, all students are required to engage in practicum conducted in the computer laboratories. This activity is intended to provide students with practical knowledge and to help them become pioneers who are ready for employment when they graduate.

4. Collaboration at home and abroad

The faculty of Economics has made cooperative arrangements with various government and private institutions both in the country and overseas. Collaboration in the country is conducted with Bank Indonesia, PT Adhya Tirta B (Water Corporation) of Batam, the Batam Authority, PT Freeport Indonesia, Regional Government of Sleman, Regional Government of Bantul, Regional Government of Gunung Kidul, Regional Government of Kulonprogo, the Province of DIY (Special Region of Yogyakarta), BRI (bank), PTP 13 of West Kalimantan, BEI Indonesia, Bungo Regency, and various other institutions. Collaboration with foreign countries are conducted with USM (Universitas Sains Malaysia), UNISZA (Universitas Sultan Zainal Abidin), Universitas Utara Malaysia, and the Government of Timor Leste.