SLEMAN - For some people to continue the study to State College is an idea. Therefore, it is necessary to have preparations to pass the selection and entitled to have a predicate of a student of PTN. Since becoming a PTN in 2014, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta has opened registration for youngers in Indonesia to be part of Campus Bela Negara. There are three channels of acceptance through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Seleksi Mandiri.
By 2017, SNMPTN's schedule opens around mid-January. In this year, SNMPTN committee has not announced the schedule of filling the School and Student Database (PDSS) as well as the registration.
Here are the procedures for registration of SNMPTN processed from
General requirements
- SNMPTN uses report card semester 1 (one) up to semester 5 (five) for SMA / SMK / MA or equal with 3 (three) years or 1st semester up to 7th semester for SMK with 4 (four) years study period, as well as anacademic portfolio.
- The School Database and Student Database (PDSS) is a database containing of a track record of the student’s school performance and achievement.
- Schools whose students follow SNMPTN must have a National School Principal Number (NPSN) and fill in student achievement data in PDSS.
- Students who are eligible for selection are the students who have a National Student Identity Number (NISN), have an outstanding achievement and track record of academic achievement in PDSS.
- Students who will register SNMPTN must read the information on the selected PTN page about the provisions related to the admission of new students.
Special Conditions
The school requirements whose students are eligible to join SNMPTN are SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent (including SRI abroad) which has NPSN and has filled out PDSS completely and correctly.
Requirements of the applicant students are students of SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent (including SRI abroad) of the last grade in the year of SNMPTN registration and has followed the National Exam (UN) and has met the following requirements.
- Have a superior achievement that is the candidate has the best ranking in school, with provisions based on a school accreditation as follows:
- Students who will register SNMPTN must read the information on the selected PTN page about the provisions related to the admission of new students.
- Special Conditions. School requirements whose students are eligible to join SNMPTN are SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent (including SRI abroad) who have NPSN and have filled out PDSS completely and correctly.
- Requirements of the applicant students are students of SMA / SMK / MA or equivalent (including SRI abroad) of the last grade in the year of SNMPTN registration and follow the National Exam (UN) that meet the following requirements.
- Have a superior achievement that is the candidate has the best ranking in school, with provisions based on a school accreditation as follows:
- accreditation A, 50% the best in school;
- accreditation B, 30% the best in school;
- accreditation C, 10% the best in school;
- not yet accredited, 5% the best in school.
The ranking is done by the Central Committee.
- Has NISN and registered on PDSS,
- Has a grade 1 to 5 semester report card (for students of SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent of three years) or semester 1 to 7 report card (for 4 years SMK) that has been filled in PDSS.
- Meets the other requirements specified by each PTN (can be seen on the relevant PTN page).
Participants are accepted at PTN, if:
- pass the education unit;
- pass SNMPTN 2017; and
- pass the data verification and meet the other requirements specified by each PTN.
Stages Following SNMPTN
The stages of following SNMPTN are as follows:
PDSS Registration and Verification
- The principal or assigned by the Principal fills in the school and student data in PDSS must go through the page.
- The principal or assigned by the Principal obtains a password that will be used by the student to verify.
- Students perform a data verification of academic achievement record (report score) filled by the principal or by a person assigned by the principal using NISN and password.
- If the student does not perform the verification of the academic achievement record data (report grade) filled by the Principal or assigned by the Principal then the data filled shall be considered correct and cannot be changed after the verification time has ended.
- Central Committee through the system makes the student ratings based on the value of subjects as follows.
- Department of Science: Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.
- Department of Social Studies: Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Sociology, Economics, and Geography.
- Department of Languages: Mathematics, Indonesian, English, Indonesian Literature, Anthropology, and Foreign Language.
- SMK: Mathematics, Indonesian, English, and Skills Competency (Vocational Theory and Vocational Practice).
- Based on the ranking of academic achievement by Central Committee, the eligible students are allowed to register SNMPTN 2017.
Registration of SNMPTN
- Applicants who meet the rating criteria use NISN and password login to SNMPTN 2017 website to register.
- Applicants fill out the bio data, PTN choice, and study program options, and upload the latest official photographs and additional achievement documents (if any). Applicants must read and understand all applicable provisions on the PTN to be selected.
- Applicants of art and sport subject study program must upload a portfolio and evidence of skill document authorized by the Principal using downloadable guidelines from the http: // page.
- Applicants print the Evidence Card of Registration as an evidence of SNMPTN participants.
For schools and / or applicants who have difficulty accessing the Internet, PDSS and registration can be done in PLASA TELKOM throughout Indonesia.
Choice of PTN and Study Programs
- Applicants can choose 2 (two) PTNs. If they choose 2 (two) PTNs, one of the PTNs must be in the same province as its original SMA, if they choose one PTN, then the selected state university may be in any province.
- Applicants may choose at most 3 (three) study programs with the provision of 1 (one) PTN of a maximum of 2 (two) study programs.
- PTN and study program choices state the priority of choice.
- SMK students are only allowed to choose the relevant study program and determined by each PTN.
- Study list and capacity of SNMPTN year 2017 can be seen on pages during the registration period
The SNMPTN cost is covered by the government, so the student Applicants are free of charge for having it.
Selection Principles and Stages
Selection Principles
The selection is based on the principles of :
- getting potential academically qualified students with the usage of report scores and other academic achievements relevant to the selected course of study
- taking into account the track record of school performance
- using a national selection criteria and the fair, accountable, and transparent criteria established by each PTN.
Selection Stages
The selection is done in the stages as follows:
- Applicants are selected in the first PTN choice in order of elective courses,
- Applicants choose courses in two PTN, if they are not accepted in PTN 1 then they will be selected in PTN 2 based on the sequence of study program and the availability of capacity.
Sanctions For Schools and / or Students Conducting a Fraud
Straight penalties for students / prospective students and / or schools who commit fraud as follows :
- School that commits fraud is not included in SNMPTN in the next years
- Students who commit fraud officially will be cancelled for the SNMPTN graduation status
Page and Address of the official National Committee
- The official Information of SNMPTN 2017 can be downloaded from http: official //
- The official informasi can also be obtained via http : //, and call center 08041 450 450.
Information can also be obtained in the nearest public relations PTN office.
The central Committee Address : Building dr. Prakosa (Lt.2 Kantor Pusat Universitas Sebelas Maret Jl. Ir. Sutami No 36A, Kentingan Surakarta 57126 Telp. 0271-7890329, Fax. 0271-636268 Email:
For Students from poor families can apply for the tuition assistance Bidikmisi through page. Official information relating to the implementation of SNMPTN 2018 will be informed through the page.