SLEMAN – The final stage in the election of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNVY) Rector was held on Friday (19/10/2018). The Election Committee UPNVY has gotten written approval from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to conduct the final phase in the Rector election.
‘We’ve got the letter from the Ministry to immediately undertaking the closed senate assembly today”, said RamliSitanggang, the Chairman of Rector Election Committee, when met outside the Assembly Room, at the first floor of the Rectorat Building, UPNVY Campus, at CondongCatur.
Ramli admitted that the rector election was delayed from the original schedule, 14 October 2018. It was due to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education that neededmore time to confirm the three candidates track records, which are Dr. M Irhas Effendi, Dr. Suharsono, and Dr. Singgih Saptono.
The Rector election will be in a closed assembly, and could only be attended by Senate Members, and the representative from the Ministry, which is in this regard the Minister Advisor in Relevancy and Productivity, Dr.Agus Puji Prasetyo M.Eng.
33 out of 34 Senate Members attended the election season, and also did the representative from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The Ministry representativewas carrying 35% of the total ballots.
The Ministry, said Ramli, will vote for the candidate that is viewed to possess the integrity and the capability. The Ministry has made the assessment through its representative that attended the vision and mission delivery session by all of the rector candidates before.
“In this assembly session, the representative from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education also votedfor elected Rector”, said Ramli.
The result was Dr. M Irhas Effendi acquired the largest number of votes. For the next step, the Rector Election Committee will send the letter and memorandum on the election results to The Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education. And the following proceeding will be the inauguration ceremony, which is scheduled on 24 November 2018. (wwj/humas)