Serdadu Kumbang, Form of Student Concern in Sarkem :: was posted on 24 June 2019 :: dipost pada 24 Juni 2019

JOGJA - Yogyakarta which is known by many as a Student City, has students from all over Indonesia to study in college. On the other hand, Yogyakarta also keeps another face in one corner of the city, many people call it Pasar Kembang or better known as Sarkem. The localization of Pasar Kembang is located in the tourist area of ??Malioboro, precisely in the Sosromenduran Village, Gedongtengen District, Yogyakarta. This localization area will indirectly have a less friendly effect on the children around Sosromenduran in which the growth phase of children is the most vulnerable phase with environmental conditions. They  can easily imitate what they see and do what normally happens in its environment.

This is the background why the students UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta who are members of the Student Creativity Program Team - Community Service consisting of Aan Munandar (Geofifika Engineering 2018), Afief Manaaf Muzhoffar (2017 Mining Engineering), Aurora Yupita Achmada (Agribusiness 2018), Muhammad Asslam Ridho (Geophysical Engineering 2018) And Noer Avivah (Geophysics Engineering 2018), formed a non-formal school program, where the implementation focused on the education and character development for the generation of millennials which is based on the upholding children's rights in Sosromenduran Village. This non-formal school program is called Sekolah Rakyat Serdadu Kumbang. It is held every 2 weeks and takes place in the afternoon for 2 hours and has a curriculum that has been designed for each meetings including the significance of ideals, benefits of saving, disaster mitigation, love of the environment, cleanliness of the environment, value of Pancasila, creativity, Indonesian culture, as well as the existence of academic assistance covering the arrangement of child assignments to the consultation of school material.

The Sekolah Rakyat Serdadu Kumbang Program is the result of collaboration between the students UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and Sapta Wiratama Youth Organization which has been approved and supported by the Head of Sosromenduran Village, "This Serdadu Kumbang Community School Program is very useful and I really appreciate it," said Mr. Agus Joko Mulyono, SIP, Msi. as the village head of Sosromenduran.

Several volunteers assisted the program who are from within the UPN Campus and outside the campus. "Sharing knowledge with people in need is an obligation and necessity of a student" said Arya from Geophysics Engineering 2018. Many benefits were obtained when attending this public school. "I get a lot of experience, life lessons, and new friends" said Dewa from Engineering Geophysics 2018. The volunteers gave many impressions and messages. "A new experience for me. I am happy to be able to share knowledge with the youngers at Serdadu Kumbang. Keep Istiqomah, always in spirit toshare knowledge with the youngers of Serdadu Kumbang," said Aisyah from Mining Engineering 2017.

So far, Sekolah Rakyat Serdadu Kumbang has been running three meetings. The first meeting had the theme of disaster mitigation, the second meeting had the theme of the importance of ideals, and the third meeting was held on Sunday, June 16 2019 with the theme of creativity. At the third meeting, the children are directed to make handicrafts using ice cream sticks. Some made pencil boxes, miniature tables and miniature houses. The children were very enthusiastic and excited when participating in this activity. The citizens of the disctrict and Karang Taruna Sapta Wiratama hope that Sedadu Kumbang Community School Program can continue and continue to provide character education for children in the Sosromenduran Village in the future. All of these activities are covered on Instagram social media @sr_serdadukumbang