UPNVY “SERDADU KUMBANG “ WON GOLD MEDAL AT PIMNAS 32 :: dipost pada 31 Agustus 2019

SLEMAN - UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY) student team won the first place in the poster category for the Student Creativity - Community Service Program (PKM-M) PKM-M1 class in the 32nd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) which took place on 27-31 August 2019 at Udayana University, Denpasar.

The team consisting of Aan Munandar (Geophysical Engineering 2018), Afief Manaaf Muzhoffar (Mining Engineering 2017), Aurora Yupita Achmada (Agribusiness 2018), Muhammad Asslam Ridho (Geophysical Engineering 2018) and Noer Avivah (Geophysical Engineering 2018), won the competition after setting aside 20 other titles from universities throughout Indonesia. They are one of the four teams representing UPNVY at the annual competition organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology.

This achievement is a pride for UPNVY after becoming a State University. The Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Singgih Saptono, who also accompanied the UPNVY delegation said that in this competition they submitted a service program entitled "The Serdadu Kumbang Public School as a Development of Millennial Characteristics in the Pasar Kembang Localization Environment".

The title of this community service outlines the educational and character development program of the millennial generation that is based on upholding children's rights.

"Pasar Kembang, also known as Sarkem, is a localization area in Yogyakarta region. The children who live in the area are vulnerable to imitate what they see and do what is normal in their environment", Singgih said in his short message, Sunday (8/31) ).

The non-formal school program of the Serdadu Kumbang Public School is held every 2 weeks and takes place in the afternoon for 2 hours. It has a curriculum that has been designed for each meeting covering the importance of ideals, the benefits of saving, disaster mitigation, environmental love, environmental cleanliness, Pancasila values, creativity, Indonesian culture, and the existence of Academic Assistance covering the provision of child work assignments, and consultation of school material.

The Serdadu Kumbang Public School Program is the result of collaboration between UPN "Veteran" Students in Yogyakarta and Karang Taruna Sapta Wiratama Sosromenduran, Yogyakarta. "Hopefully this program can continue in the future and continuely provide the character education to the children in the Sosromenduran Urban Village", hoped Singgih. (WWW / PR)