ESDM Introduces Biodiesel Program to the Students of Yogyakarta :: dipost pada 11 September 2019

NATIONAL INFO  Being in the energy transition period especially the use of Biofuel as a substitute for the fossil fuels, the government realizes the importance of the younger generation role in supporting the implementation of the program. The young generation is expected to be able to implement their knowledge in developing bioenergy through the utilization of bioenergy energy sources in the surrounding environment. In addition, it also has the information disseminates about the mandatory biodiesel program, and has the same commitment in utilizing biofuel in daily life.

"We must ensure that the younger generation accepts the information regarding to the implementation of the biodiesel utilization program which is one of the biofuel products that the government currently pursues intensively," said the Head of the Energy and Environmental Bioenergy Directorate General of the New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Effendi Manurung, when introducing B30 to students in Yogyakarta during the event of Biodiesel Goes to Campus, Tuesday, September 10. The students who attended it were the students of from the campus of the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University, and Satya Wacana University.

 "All of you (read: students) are the agents of changes. Biodiesel has many benefits for the environment and the community of oil palm farmers, and moreover it can increase the country's foreign exchange. Therefore, it is important for us. The students can understand what biodiesel is and why the government intensified developing it”, said Efendi.

Biodiesel is a biofuel for diesel engines / motorcycles in the form of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) made from vegetable oil or animal fats through the esterification / trans esterification process. To reduce the dependency on the imported BBM and increase the mix of new and renewable energy, the government implements a mandatory biodiesel program that is carried out in some stages.

Effendi explained to the students that the government successfully implemented the Mandatory B20 by requiring the use of fuel consisting of a mixture of 20 percent biodiesel and 80 percent diesel oil to all diesel engine users. The use of B20 depends on three factors, namely the quality of the fuel (biodiesel and diesel), fuel handling, and also the compatibility of the material with the fuel.

After the B20 program, the government increases the use of biodiesel to the Mandatory B30 and targets to implement it starting January 1, 2020. On June 3, 2019, the ESDM Minister, Ignasius Jonan, launched the Road Test B30 for three trucks and eight units of B30 fueled passenger vehicles, each of which took a distance of 40 thousand kilometers and 50 thousand kilometers.

The Road Test reached about 80 percent of trips. The results of the interim trials reported that there were no significant problems found in the vehicle units tested related to vehicle engine performance, oil and exhaust emissionsin early September 2019. For fuel consumption, the results are more efficient than it was expected.

"We need the support and active role of all stakeholders, not only business entities and associations, but also all of you. It is important for the national energy security and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets”, said Effendi. The Biodiesel Goes to Campus activity is a form of cooperation between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Palm Oil Fund Management Agency (BPDP KS), and UPN Veterans Yogyakarta. (*)


