SLEMAN - UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY) students again showed achievements at the DERRICK 2019 International event held by the Cepu Akamigas PEM on Friday (27/9). There were four competitions, namely Well Design Competition, Drilling Fluid Competition, Oil Rig Design and Smart Competition.
Of the eight teams representing UPNVY, five teams won. Wijaya Team consisting of Suci Nur Hidayah (113160184), Eko Soejianto (113160168), and Christopher Varianto Gradyan Sunaringtyas (113160085) succeeded in becoming the "Champion" in the Well Design category.
Athena Team consisting of Anisa Novia Risky (113160040), Rakhmad Fitriyanto (113160067), Andries Imanuel L (113160090), Adhyaksa Wandha (113160098), and Immanuel Roosevelt H (113160108) won the "1st Runner Up" for the Oil Rig Design category. Meanwhile, the Aurora Team consisting of Mutiara Nurul Islam (113170106), Maulana Syamil B (113170043), Yuan Cahyo Guntoro (113170021), M. Risdzky Reflida (113170004), and Muhammad Ridwan Firdaus (113170003) won the "2nd Runner Up".
Aquifer 99 Team consisting of Sinosa Husenido (113170125), Mayda Ade Baskhara (113170068), and Reza Mutiaranti (113170026) who represented UPNVY for the Smart Competition category succeeded in becoming "Champion".
Garuda Team consisting of Riska Fitri Nurul Karimah (113170048), Muhammad Naufal Afifabyan (113170051), and Muhammad Rizqi Al Asy'ari (113170069) won the "1st Runner Up" for the Mud Design category.
This annual competition was attended by students from various institutions which were University of Indonesia, UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, Sepuluh November Institute of Surabaya (ITS), Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Diponegoro University, Pertamina University, Hasanuddin University, STT Migas Balikpapan, and University of Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta.
(wwj / PR)