Sleman_ Attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Supervisor Lecturer for the UKM Marching Band, a number of administrators of the Marching Band UKM and the division head of Students and staff at the IDCC Championship 2019 in the awarding ceremony by the Founder of the Indonesia Drum Corps Championship (IDCC), H. Rano Karno, S.IP to the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta held in the seminar room of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, November 13 2019. In his speech, the Chancellor expressed his gratitude to the Marching Band UKM Lecturer and MB UKM students for their achievements and promised to continuely supporting them.
Rano Karno, S.IP said that this activity was a gratitude for the very high achievements of the children, further Rano Karno said that the potential for the first mutual cooperation was in the maching band, blowing and formation moves. “There was no sport that had a high level of difficulty other than Marching Band, that's why I am interested in this group”, said Rano Karno in his speech. Rano also expressed his gratitude to the UPN Chancellor who had truly supported the marching band.
UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Maching Band won the 2nd Place of the Sound Sport World Class, 5th Place of the Drumb Corps Worl Class and 6th Place of the Street Parade. (Rita, PR)