Yogyakarta - Students of the Communication Science Department of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta gloried the name on the field of Public Relations in the Mercomfest championship 2019 at Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta, (11/27/19). They successfully won the 1st Champion in the Public Relations Competitions category.
The students who joined in the PR Srikandi Team consisting of Aghnia Fadilla Fasya, Aileen Selvy Aullerya Vocke, and Rafika Riniptasari successfully amazed the judges with the PR creative strategy program that they presented.
From various universities that participated in this championship, there were 7 finalist teams that were entitled to enter the final match, including the PR Empowerment Agent (Prenagent) Team from STMM Yogyakarta, the Promil Team from UINSUKA, the Balakosa Team and the Prancient Team from the UPNVY Public Relations Department while the Srikandi Team and the Agripa Lowe Team came from the UPNVY Communication Science Department and a Prometheus Team from the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.
Before entering the final round of the top 7, the competing teams were asked to make creative proposals about Strategic PR Activities at a PR Consultant Agent. After the proposal selection stage, the finalists were asked to present as PR Consultants working on the Project Museum in Yogyakarta. As a result of the presentation, the Srikandi PR Team won the first place in the PR Competition. (wexa / FISIP)