Collaborating with Academics, Tourism Department Bantul Serves an Explore Dlingo Application :: dipost pada 14 Januari 2020
smile, BANTUL — The Tourism Office (Dispar) Bantul collaborated with academics to develop an Explore Dlingo application. It is a concrete step taken by the Bantul Regency Government (Pemkab) to realize the development of digital technology-based tourism.

The Head of Dispar Bantul, Kwintarto Heru Prabowo, said this application was made to help tourists find information about the tourist destinations in Bantul, especially in Dlingo area. "In the application, there are currently 18 tourist destinations spread across the Dlingo, Mangunan, Muntuk,Terong and Jatimulyo regions. There are reviews, photos and directions to the location in it", said Kwintarto, Sunday (1/12/2020)

According to Kwintarto, currently all attractions in Bantul must be in line with the spirit towards the development of digital-based tourism. Explore Dlingo is the real commitment of the Bantul Regency Government to facilitate visitor access to all attractions in Bantul by utilizing technological advancements.

Kwintarto said the application was developed in collaboration with academics and the Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) UPN Veterans Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the representatives of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Sri Kussujaniatun, explained that the research in making the Explorer Dlingo application was aimed as supporting tourism promotion strategies.

Sri explained that this application was based on a survey of the visitors increase  after the 44th  President of the United States Barrack Obama and President Jokowi visited the Dlingo tourist area. According to Sri's explanation, after the visit of those two important persons,  there was a surge in visitors. "Not only domestic tourists, but also from foreigners. Therefore, we are then interested in making applications, making it easier for the tourists, named Explorer Dlingo", Sri said.

The application, according to her, is the initial stage. It still needs development. If it is still trusted, the campus wants to complete the application's features. "Later, the contents of the application are not only about tourist destinations, but also about culinary, handicraft tourism products to homestays”, said the lecturer of  Management Department of the Economics  and Business Faculty,  UPN Veteran Yogyakarta