UPNVY Chancellor Gave Instructions to Lecturers and Education Workers to Work :: dipost pada 18 Maret 2020

SLEMAN – The Chancellor of UPNVY Yogyakarta (UPNVY) again issued instructions following UPNVY Chancellor's Encyclical Letter No. 9 / UN62 / RT.02 / 2020 year 2020 concerning the Preparedness and Prevention of the Spread of Co-19 UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The Encyclical Letter of UPNVY Chancellor No. 10 / UN62 / RT.02 / 2020 of 2020 concerning the Employee Working Hours in the environment of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta's was issued on March 17, 2020. This letter is based on the increasingly widespread development of Covid-19.

In the letter, the Chancellor instructed the UPNVY lecturers and education staffs to work from home. The provisions for the implementation of the duties and functions of the lecturers and staffs were applied from March 1831, 2020, which are as follows:

  1. The lecturers can carry out the tasks of Tri Dharma and Supporting Activities of Tri Dharma Higher Education in their respective homes with an online system.
  2. Staffs of Education Personnel can carry out the main tasks and functions in their respective places of residence, while continuely coordinating to complete their tasks via on-line (except for Security Unit Officers and Park Attendants which will be regulated by the Head of Unit)
  3. The Head of the Work Unit is responsible for managing the staff members to come the office if necessary.
  4. All employees must activate the communication tools for coordination in carrying out the official duties.
  5. The staffs’ attendance list can be done manually by using the attendance form.
  6. All employees are expected not to travel overseas or within the country if it is not very important, and not to go to crowds places to avoid the Covid-19 transmission.
  7. Employees who continue to carry out the office duties must follow the preventive steps to protect themselves from the Covid-19 outbreak.

(wwj / PR)