RADAR JOGJA - Policies on disaster management are stated in Law (UU) No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management (PB). Considering that it has been 13 years old, it reforms efforts that are needed based on the learning results so far so that the regulation is in accordance with the actual conditions.
Currently, the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI) has proposed amendments to UU PB as the Initiative Rights of DPR RI for the period of 2019-2024. The process for submitting the PB Bill (RUU) is on going, from DPR to the government. In the draft law, DPR proposed strengthening its institutions so that the implementation of PB can be carried out better.
Thanks to the emergence of PB Law 24/2007 and the mandate given and implemented by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), PB disaster risk reduction (PRB) has become the general awareness of Indonesian citizens. PB/PRB has been applied in various sectors and is well institutionalized that the existing PB/PRB system is recognized for its excellence and is an example of good practice globally. This is proven by having the Global Champion for PRB award 2011 for Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
The news that the government eliminates BNPB as the organizer of PB in its version of PB Bill is quite surprising as it is no exception for the Chairman of Commission 8 DPR RI Yandri Sutanto. It is because in general this is against the trend of public opinion.
Thus, the Working Committee (panja) of the PB Commission 8 Bill held a hearing yesterday (25/9) in Jogjakarta. The Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Ace Hasan Syadzily explained that the revision of the PB Law was important to discuss, especially in the institutional, funding, and coordination aspects related to disaster management between the central and regional governments.
During the meeting, Panja received a variety of inputs from the elements of the local government, experts, academics, the media and the public. The first input was the need to improve the institutional coordination to strengthen the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as the executor of disaster management and management tasks in the regions.
The next one was community involvement in disaster management efforts. Protection of vulnerable communities such as minority and diffable groups was also an input. "Rights are also a record for us in the preparation of the PB Bill. We are still in the stage of listening to the input from the public and experts," he said.
When being confirmed about the news of the removal of BNPB, Ace explained that the government did not explicitly mention the existence of BNPB, but the agency was confirmed to be listed in the revised draft.
"In our draft, we want to strengthen BNPB institutions so that the disaster management is not done responsively and reactively. However, there is a change in our paradigm, not only when a disaster occurs, but also when disaster management occurs,” he explained at Gedhong Pracimasono, Kepatihan Complex yesterday (25/9).
The Chairman of the Higher Education Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (FPTPRB), Dr. Eko Teguh Paripurno MT, said that BNPB has basically carried out the mandate of UU PB well, although there is still some homework that still needs attention.
For example, the implementation of PB/PRB still shows “ego-sector traces”. In addition, the effectiveness of emergency handling needs to be adjusted according to needs. PB/PRB is also not yet fully a "movement" and "lifestyle" for the parties.
Eko Teguh continued that FPTPRB made several recommendations. First, it is strengthening PB/PRB governance through an allocation of resources for adequate PB/PRB investment. As well as making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SF-DRR) as the basis for PB/PRB governance.
Second, strengthen PB/PRB institutions, namely BNPB/BPBD, in carrying out the mandate to carry out emergency coordination, implementation and command. This is done by taking into account good practices and the investment in resources that have been made in future plans.
Third, it is ensuring the professionalism of human resources in PB/PRB, whether from ASN/PNS, TNI/Polri, academics, volunteers, or others, at the central and regional levels, inside and outside BNPB and BPBD. "Reaffirmation of the scope of professional work in PB/PRB along with the guidance and determination of competency standards," said the Coordinator of the Disaster Management Masters Study Program (MMB) as well as the Head of the Covid-19 Task Force Team for Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNYY).
Another thing that needs attention is the need for supporting regulations for the UU PB. There are several needs that need to be included in these additional rules. First, it is expanding the space for the role of civil society, academics, media, as well as business organizations and international institutions in PB/PRB. . Second, to accommodate the philanthropic abilities of citizens in disaster financial institutions that are independent, accountable, and non-partisan.
"Third, give a collective role for higher education institutions (PT), if it is needed as a substitute for the function of the steering element, which is not included in the draft law version of DPR RI. Fourth, it is necessary to align PT research processes and results with the implementation of PB/PRB. Fifth, strengthen PRB efforts, especially at the pre-disaster stage, including risk identification, assessment, management and communication. Finally, strengthening the Disaster Management Plan (RPB) is an integral part of the Development Plan," he said.
Eko emphasized that BNPB and BPBD must be guarded and their existence confirmed. In the future, BNPB / BPBD need to adapt in the process of carrying out the mandate of coordination, implementation and command.
"Coordination needs to be more participatory and facilitative. Command is exercised by encouraging the agreement process of the parties. Meanwhile, the implementation is carried out by strengthening the movement towards resilience," he explained.
Eko hopes that this legislation will be more based on disaster risk management for effective and inclusive disaster management towards sustainable resilience. "Also, BNPB/BPBD together with all pentahelix actors can carry out this mandate," he explained.
BNPB's Director of Preparedness, Dra Eny Supartini MM, appreciated the steps taken by Commission 8 of DPR RI to oversee the draft RUU PB. A number of inputs were obtained to strengthen the disaster management and prevention efforts.
"From the government itself, it is hoped that there will be no problems, and they only want to strengthen in several segments in institutions and roles that are more important. Then, mainstreaming is for the field of prevention and several terms need to be reorganized," he said. (sce/tor/din/ila)