Sleman - Student Executive Board (BEM), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY) held an Ecofair (Economic Fair) 2020. It is part of the EWP (Economic Warehouse Project) in which EWP is the stretcher superior program of the BEM FEB UPNVY that is engaged in three fields which are the social sector (with an Eco Care / Economic Care event), non-academic fields (with an Eco Fest / Economic Fest), and education (with an Eco Fair / Economic Fair). This National Webinar activity with the theme of “Millennials Contribution Towards the New Normal Era was held online, on September 27, 2020 via zoom media.
Dr. Irhas Effendi, MS as the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta welcomed the national webinar held by FEB UPNVY. In addition, he explained about the millennial generation and the contribution of students in the "New Normal" era.
"There are two simultaneous events that hopefully can complement each other; the first is the movement of the 4.0 industrial revolution which is based on IoT (Internet of Things), which of course your role as millennial is very big here. So, what can students contribute during the Covid-19 pandemic? Contribution of students in the health sector can be in the form of socialization of health protocol education (through Real Work Lectures (KKN), Practical Work, and Internships) and in the economics and IT by becoming agents of change in the transformation of the digital economy”, said the Chancellor
Dr. M. Arief Budiman as CEO of Petakumpet Creativelab explained about the material entitled "Resetting the Future". "Get to the destination before you leave" is what a student must understand their final goal of studying before completing the course itself," explained Budiman.
"Covid-19 is a shortcut if you want to move up in class. To get through it, we need creativity. Developed countries are no better at dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a golden opportunity for Indonesia to overtake developed countries now. Not after this pandemic is over," said Dr. M. Arief Budiman.
On the same occasion, Sindy Setiawati delivered three materials which are "Who are you?"; "What is a pandemic?"; and "What is the relation?". He said that students act as agents of change, agent of development, and agent of modernization. Students as the millennial generation must also be ready for changes and can have a positive impact on the environment around us through the knowledge we have as students.
"Take advantage of free time, to be an opportunity. Who knows, it will turn into money," said Sindy Setiawati. PR