“Bringing knowledge for a better future”
To become a faculty that is professional and excels in the field of sustainable agriculture with a global perspective by 2020
In light of the saying goes, “I don’t know therefore I don’t care”, this profile of the Faculty of Agriculture is published as a media to introduce the faculty to the public.
The Faculty of Agriculture was founded simultaneously with the advent of the establishment of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) “Veteran” Yogyakarta’ in 1958. Many achievements have been accomplished by this Faculty during its long life. The Faculty of Agriculture has graduated more than 5800 alumni from various regions in Indonesia. They are working in various sectors in accordance to the motto,”Widya mwat Yasa”, which means learning in order to be dedicated the nation.
This profile outlines the history of the faculty, its current potential and excellence as well as opportunities for the future. With the tagline, “Bringing knowledge for a better future” is intended to enhance the faculty’s role to continuously disseminate knowledge for the sake of a better future that meets the demands of the time.
By reading this profile, hopefully the public will become more familiar with the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN”Veteran” Yogyakarta.
The Dean,
The independence fighter veterans of the Republic of Indonesia took responsibility for the education and teaching of their nation, thus the Academy of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” (APN “Veteran”) was established on 8 October 1958, which was located in Yogyakarta with 3 (three) departments; Mining Geology, Agricultural Economics and Company Technology. As the forerunner to the Faculty of Agriculture and the Department of Agricultural Economics it was headed by Ir. R. Soedarsono Hadisaputro at the time, who was the former Minister of Agriculture in the Second Development Cabinet. In 1965, APN “Veteran” changed its name to College of Pembangunan Nasional (Perguruan Tinggi Pembangunan Nasional -PTPN) “Veteran with Ir. Soedharoedjian Ronoprawiro as the head of the Department of Agriculture.
Subsequently, APN “Veteran” was upgraded to PTPN “Veteran” (College of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”) on 30 July 1965, which comprised of 6 faculties with one of them being the Faculty of Agriculture. On 30 November 1977, PTPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta again changed its title to become the University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) “Veteran” Yogyakarta). In addressing demands at that time, the Department of Agronomy (Agricultural Cultivation) was established and on 24 August in 1985 the Department of Soil Science was established.
On 1 April 1995, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta assumed the status of a private university (PTS) under the Kejuangan Panglima Sudirman Foundation (YKPBS). Currently, the Faculty of Agriculture has two study programs, namely, the Agribusiness Study Program and the Agrotechnology Study Program. The Agrotechnology Study Program is a reconstruction/combination of the Agronomy and Soil Science Departments.
Students from the Faculty of Agriculture are educated to become agricultural graduates with international competency standards to pursue careers in a global era. Aside from their intellectual capacity and hard skills, they are also equipped with soft skills. Soft skills such as life skills, discipline, dedication, creativity, ethics and honesty are integrated into the learning processes through curricular, (innovative learning that is based on soft skills), co-curricular (soft skills training like public speaking and entrepreneurship) and extracurricular (developing students activities through student organizations) activities. Proficiency in English is a supporting competency that every graduate must have in order to be competitive at the national and global level. Aside from learning English using a semester credit unit (SKS) system, students are also involved in various activities that are internationally oriented such as international seminars/conferences, English language competitions and so on.
A faculty that is professional and excels in the field of sustainable agriculture with a global perspective can be achieved by working in cooperation with an array of universities from various countries in the world. Cooperation has already been established with the Universiti Malaysia Serawak (UNIMAS) in Malaysia since 2010, the Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) in the Philippines and the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) since 2012, Murray State University, USA and Singapore Polytechnic since 2013. Cooperation has been initiated in the field of education, research, community service and training and also includes social and cultural events for enhancing learning. These activities have included invited speakers & guest lectures, joint research & staff exchange, as well as student exchange.
In addition to this, the Faculty of Agriculture has also worked closely with various national institutes such as:
Human resources at the Faculty of Agriculture at UPNVY possess competencies that are future oriented. Currently, there are 75 permanent lecturers that have a masters’ degree, a PhD or they have become a professor at the Faculty of Agriculture at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta.
Faculty achievements are demonstrated by the academic community’s activities in their tridharma (triple duty) of higher education. In improving curriculum in the area of education, two lecturers from the Faculty of Agriculture attended the Advance International Training Programme Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education in Sweden and China with funding support from Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). In order to improve teaching methods they also attended a Design Thinking Training course in Singapore. In the field of research, lecturers are involved in many research projects that are funded by competitive grants from Dikti (Directorate General of Higher Education) and also through collaborations with companies and partners. The number of lecturers who have won research funding and the nominal amount of research funds attained from external funding continues to increase. Community service activities are also conducted with the support of the community service competitive grants scheme through the Multi-year Science and Technology Program for Regions (IbW), and the single year grants, namely, Science and Technology for the Community (IbM). Large amounts of funding allow community service activities to be programmed and more effective. Aside from the lecturers, students’ involvement in research is also increasing with the support of internal funding including the Student Creativity Program competitive grants from Dikti.
The Faculty of Agriculture is located at the UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Integrated Campus on Jalan SWK 104 North Ring Road, Condongcatur, Yogyakarta. Supporting facilities at this campus include a faculty and university library, a sports field, a polyclinic, student dormitory facilities, a Telematics unit, a cooperative, a canteen and other supporting facilities. In addition, it is an environment that is comprehensive and comfortable and is easily reached by various forms of transport.
1. Lecture Rooms
There are 10 lecture rooms at the Faculty of Agriculture and all of them are air conditioned (AC). One of the lecture room’s has the capacity for ± 70 students, 6 (six) of the lecture rooms have the capacities for ± 50 students and 3 (three) other lecture rooms have the capacity for ± 30 students. Each room is equipped with an over head projector, a white board, a sound system, and a viewer (LCD) for displaying images, photos, videos, software and other learning materials.
2. Laboratory
The Faculty of Agriculture has 15 laboratories that are used for two study programs. These laboratories are used for student lab practicals, training and research.
3. Experimental Garden
The garden is provided for scientific development and covers an area of 4.7 hectares which is located at Sempu hamlet in Wedomartani village, Ngemplak sub-district in Sleman district and there is another garden at the Condong Catur campus. The garden is also for lab services, business activities and student research.
4. Greenhouse and Shading Net
Laboratory research under controlled conditions can be conducted in the greenhouse and the shading net (paranet) area. At the Condong Catur campus there are 2 (two) greenhouse units and 2 (two) shading net units. Another shading net unit is also provided at the Wedomartani experimental garden. The rectangular greenhouse is for student and lecturer research while the pyramid greenhouse is for exposé and promotion of the student and lecturer’s research.
5. Seminar Room
The campus as a scientific community requires communicating and sharing of scientific knowledge in the form of seminars, symposiums, congresses, and workshops. The Faculty of Agriculture has a seminar room with a capacity for 200 people as well as a lobby space. This room is equipped with air conditioning, a LCD, and a comprehensive sound system. The public can use the facilities of this seminar room.
6. Library
The library at the Faculty of Agriculture is located in a classic library room space with text books, scientific journals, research reports and a collection of various references for lectures, lab practicals, report writing, thesis and other learning requirements.
7. Information Systems and Support
In order for educational processes to run well, motivate and provide comprehensive information to students, some supporting facilities are provided in the form of: Computerized Based Information System (CBIS) to support education administration services, the Faculty of Agriculture website at the site: www.agriculture.upnyk.ac.id and a hotspot. These information system facilities can be utilized at any time and can be accessed by all students. There are also internet facilities at the Agro technology/Agro eco-technology course information systems studio.
Another facility is a small room for each study program for student seminars, discussions and trainings. Student associations are provided with 1(one) room for each study program and one room for the BEM (Student Executive Body). There is also a mushola in the faculty of Agriculture for worship purposes.
8. Agricultural E-Clinic (ECP)
This is a program of excellence that was developed as a public service model on web based agricultural problem consultancy. The ECP is a development of the information technology service that has been operating through http://Creatifitas.wordpress.com that was combined with the consultancy service, which originally was part of the Agribusiness Study Center activities, namely consultancy and training. The information technology service now has a new site, http://www.agriculture.upnyk.ac.id, which is more comprehensive in terms of hardware and software as well as other types of services.
9. Study and Research Center
This Study Center is a platform for developing fields of concentration, which can be used as a means to communicate with researchers, lecturers and students who are working or further studying in a certain field of study. The six study centers in the Faculty of Agriculture are: